NetNews Offline 1
NetNews Offline Volume 1.iso
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Path: news.mel.aone.net.au!usenet
From: quest@mars.nettrek.net.au (New Technology)
Newsgroups: dk.loppemarked,dk.politik,dk.test,ed.general,edm.forsale,edm.general,edm.news.stats,es.test,eunet.general,eunet.jokes,eunet.politics,eunet.test,evv.config,eye.news,fido.aust.modem,fido.aust_modem,fido.aust_telecom,fido.bbs.news,fido.bbs.sysop,fido.bbs.user,fido.general,fido.ger.4dos,fido.ger.amiga,fido.ger.antifa,fido.ger.astronomie,fido.ger.auto,fido.ger.autoren,fido.ger.basic,fido.ger.binkley,fido.ger.boerse,fido.ger.book,fido.ger.btx,fido.ger.c_echo,fido.ger.c_plusplus,fido.ger.ccc,fido.ger.chauvi,fido.ger.chemie,fido.ger.clipper,fido.ger.crosspoint
Subject: **** Unlimited FREE web space **** - free.htm (0/1)
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 17:23:39 GMT
Organization: Access One Pty Ltd., Melbourne, Australia
Message-ID: <4bpsig$gps@news.mel.aone.net.au>
NNTP-Posting-Host: d47-1.cpe.sydney.aone.net.au
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
Unlimited FREE html space on the net.
Our new technology will do just that for you.
Become the king of the net for peanuts.
With a bit of ingenuity you could probably find out for yourself how
it is done, but why bother? We have done all the hard work already and
it is available to you for a small fee, well worth the countless hours
of experimenting you would have to spend otherwise.
What is it then you will get and how much does it cost?
We will teach you how:
***** You can publish genuine html documents on the web without paying
for a server.
***** You can divert traffic from newsgroups to an existing www site
***** How you can inform the world of your ideas and products for
peanuts without leaving your computer terminal.
You get this and more for the incredibly low price of $10.00 US and
you will also receive free updates and support for 6 months.
Sounds unbelievable? Well, see for yourself. If you have a browser
installed on your machine and a newsreader capable of launching binary
attachments, don't bother to read the rest of this, just launch the
binary attachment NOW for a demonstration.
For those of you who do not have this installed we will include
instructions of how to obtain the necessary software free of charge
and how to set it up on your system.
For this we need to know the following:
1) The type of machine you are using and your operating system
2) Your service provider and the type of account you have
3) Your E-mail address
3) The software you are currently using to access the web
Send this information together with your remittance to:
Internet Advertising
68 Nicholson Street
Woolloomooloo N.S.W. 2011
and we will E-mail you the necessary files promptly. If the technology
is not suitable for your set-up we will return your remittance in
Preferred form of payment is by 'International Money Order' made out
to Internet Advertising.
We will also accept cash in any currency, equivalent to $10.00 US, but
because we cannot guarantee security we will not accept credit card
details for your own safety.
As there will be a lot of flames for "spamming the net" our E-mail
address above will obviously become useless. So please, if you have
any questions, send them snail mail and include your E-mail address,
we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have fun, Internet Advertising